BENEFITS: When we feel particularly sad, unmotivated, anxious or depressed; Rose brings back positivity, eases tensions, also in the sexual sphere (in women), reawakening desire and harmonising life as a couple.
GENERIC PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY: Emollient, revitalising, decongestant, it relaxes muscles and prevents stretch marks.
• Reduces aggression and anger
• It slows down and relaxes intellectual and mental activity.
TYPE OF USE: Vaporised in the room or a few drops dissolved in bath water help unblock a woman’s genital functions; it is a powerful aphrodisiac. It has a balancing action in hormonal disorders that cause poor, irregular and painful menstruation.
WARNINGS: It has no contraindications when used in the recommended doses.
ROSE FUN FACT: The botanical name, according to some, is derived from the Sanskrit word vrad or vrod, meaning ‘flexible’; according to others, from the Celtic word rhood or rhuud, meaning ‘red’. The rose is the archetypal flower and the symbol of both profane and divine love. Known for more than 3,000 years. Ancient civilisations used it as a main ingredient in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics along with other essential oils. The Arabs and Berbers of Morocco have distilled and produced rosewater since the 1st century BC and used the infusion of its leaves for its anti-stress, tonic and antiseptic properties.
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